SL-1200 & SL-1210 Turntable Servicing

Located at:

13 Sydney Street




United Kingdom




Or use our contact form.


Business Hours:


10:00 to 16:00 Mondays to Wednesdays (UK Time) by appointment.


(Sorry I am not available outside these times or on bank holidays)


Notice to companies offering products and services:- I am NOT interested in anything you wish to offer. Companies contacting me offering me products and services will be liable to a £300 administration charge for each email, phone call and SMS received. Sending such communication automatically means acceptance of these terms. 

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Pitch Control Info (SFDZ122N11-2)



This SFDZ122N11-2 (Mk2 Pitch) is discontinued by Panasonic and has now been re-manufactured by the same manufacturer (OEM) to the same specifications with improvements. I have initiated this manufacturing process in 2018.


To see the difference between both Mk2 pitch types, and why the SFDZ122N11-2 is preferred over the SFDZ122N11-1 please watch
this video. 

Product Info:


Please see the product information sheet below :-

SFDZ122N11-2 Product Information Sheet
Information regarding the new SFDZ122N11-2 and product improvements.
SFDZ122N11-2 product info.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [479.2 KB]

Copyright Ownership:


Click Here to see official copyright registration of design.

Please be aware that whilst there are already aftermarket copies being sold online, this OEM part actually has the 'SFDZ122N11-2' printed on the underside which denotes the original part number along with a valid batch number.

OEM pitches also come in sealed packaging identifying that this is a OEM replacement. So be sure you know what you are purchasing if looking elsewhere.

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Legal Disclaimer:-

This website © Richard Talmage, LCGI EngTech TMIET (a lawful entity), May 2016. Independent service engineer, located at 13 Sydney Street, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 0NF, U.K. This website and domain is not owned by nor affiliated to any limited company (legal entity) whatsoever whether private or public.

The 'Technics' brand name and logo is a registered trademark owned solely by the Panasonic corporation to which this website has no affiliation. The 'Technics' trademark is used strictly for identification purposes only relating to the discontinued SL1200 & SL1210 (Mk2 to Mk6) models no longer supported by Panasonic and therefore the trademark use is lawful. For the official Technics website and their current products please visit